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8Ft tank with DIY background


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Hey guys, I have finally filled my latest tank with water thumbup.gif The tank size is 8X30X30

From a bare sheet of styro I created this

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then a few coats of resin and sand I had this

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Add water and a few fish and you get this

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For a full description of how it all went together so far you can view it on Addicted to fish forum thumb.gif


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Ltrs dntknw.gifLOL.gif I filled probably 1/3 of the tank with water from the fish room to save on water wink2.gif 1/3 was fresh and the other 1/3 came from the 5x2x2 which was my old display tank. At a guess with the sump included (4x18x18) I'd say probably 1200 to 1300lt somewhere around there thumb.gif

wui, I needed to have a return pipe in there somewhere so I disguised it as best as possable confused.gif

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Okay. I was talking about the Terracotta 90 degree sewer pipe at the bottom of the tank. Still th background looks good, beats most of the other premade backgrounds that you see around.


the rocks and stuff in there are temporary. He's collecting rocks to and will be changing it completely. thumb.gif

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Am I Arj?? tongue.gif Maybe one day but not right now, the price of nice big white rock pieces can be scary to the hip pocket laugh.gif

I don't mind the sewer pipe dntknw.gif Its actually a "T" piece pipe and the size suits the tank rather well. Oh well each to their own I guess thumb.gif If you look hard enough you will see a house brick in the right hand end too

Stagfest, Yes epoxy resin was for the background but be carful what you buy wink2.gif There is an excellent article on the DIY backgrounds in SCP pages yes.gif that was completed by one of the members from ACE. The main reason for the resin V concrete is the epoxy when dry does not affect your water conditions in any way shape or form, but in saying that after seeing Merjo's efforts I am interested in giving the concrete a go.

Those tank equations are okay but don't allow for the cross bracing removing part of the height,substrate,rocks, my DIY background and the water content in the sump hence the reason why I stated 1200 to 1300lt as I have no wish to find out exactly how much water it holds.

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