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Skippy last won the day on April 29

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About Skippy

  • Birthday 23/09/1976

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  1. Jason's Cichlids on youtube has a few videos on breeding white calvus and raising the fry. From memory keeping the bottom of the tank clean and free from debris and waste was important for keeping the fry alive https://youtu.be/uXWKCCGz0sg?si=X2H38mVSgjvcSaG1
  2. DATE: Saturday 7 September 2024 PLACE: Harmonie German Club, 49 Jerrabomberra Ave, Narrabundah ACT START: 12:00pm FINISH: 5:00 pm MEMBERS: Entry and a bidders card are free for current financial members of CDAS or members of affiliated aquarium societies. To join CDAS please click here, use the 'Sign Up' button on the CDAS Facebook page or join up on the day at the auction. NON MEMBERS: Entry is $2 per person for non members. In order to participate in the auction, you will be required to buy a bidders’ card. Bidders cards are available for $20, this also covers entry fees. VOLUNTEERS: If you would like to volunteer to assist CDAS at the auction please send us an email at canberradas@gmail.com or message us in the CDAS members chat group. To show our appreciation Mega Auction volunteers are permitted to sell 20 lots at the auction. A big thank you to those who have already come forward to help out! SELLERS: CDAS regular/family or affiliated members are entitled up to 15 lots, life members and commercial members 30 lots (subject to Committee approval) and sponsors 50 lots. You are not required to fill your entire allotment if you do not wish to. Lots will be accepted on the day from 10:30 - 11:00am. Unless organised prior with the Committee, lots received after this time will not be able to be accepted for the auction.
  3. Australian New Guinea Fishes Association
  4. I got some great Goyder River rainbows shipped from Aquagreen in Darwin many years ago, it looks like they are currently out of stock, keep an eye on Aquagreen's website to see what they have in stock. Probably your best bet to get quality rainbows is through an ANGFA member - it seems like ANGFA have moved their forum over to Facebook and they don't have a SA chapter, check out ANGFA's Facebook group if you are on Facebook
  5. The talk from the last meeting has been posted on youtube. Not as good as being there but still worth a watch
  6. The mollies might be a bit slow moving. Something like rainbowfish or large tetras that are fast swimmers might be a better option.
  7. Not entirely dead but on life support. It's not the vibrant community it once was, I suspect a lot of the discussion and questions that once were here now happen on Facebook. It's a shame because the information posted on Facebook groups isn't as accessible and easily searchable in the same way as forums like this are.
  8. Cut back on your feeding for a bit, and DIY some snail traps. Manual removal via the traps won't get rid of them but it will put a dent in their numbers.
  9. Do you want the catfish for clean up or as a feature fish? Good old bristlenose are hard to beat for algae clean up, common plecos or gibbiceps will be able to handle living with your cichlids but won't do much algae eating or clean up
  10. Hi Bob, if you are in Sydney you could try Jason's Cichlids. https://www.youtube.com/@JasonsCichlids I'm not sure if Jason is selling directly to the public any more or if he is only wholesaling but you could give him a try
  11. Are you talking about a tank inside a house or an outdoor pond? Inside a well-insulated house, I reckon you'd almost get away without a heater year round. I'm in Canberra, so considerably colder, I turn the heaters off November-ish and leave them off until late March/April depending on the weather. Yesterday my two tanks were both sitting at 22 degrees. A few factors to consider would be, size of the tank (large tank = larger thermal mass = less fluctuation), thickness of glass, and house's insulation.
  12. If the male betta has long flowing fins, I'd be worried about the angelfish and tetras nipping at the betta's fins
  13. I'd dilute the bleach in water using just enough bleach that you can smell it. As long as you thoroughly rinse the tank afterwards to remove any residual bleach and use a declorinator like Prime to break down any bleach that might be left you should be fine. When you're finished you shouldn't be able to smell any bleach. Make sure it is home brand or a cheap bleach that is just straight bleach with no added whiteners, scents or other additives.
  14. Is it possible that the eggs that are getting fungus haven't been fertilized?
  15. Canberra & District Aquarium Society Mega Auction 2023 Harmonie German Club 49 Jerrabomberra Avenue Narrabundah Saturday 29th April 2023 10:00 am to 3:00 pm Entry is $2 per person for non members. In order to participate in the auction, you will be required to buy a bidder’s card. Bidder’s cards are available for $10. This also covers entry fees (buyers only). See https://www.facebook.com/CanberraAndDistrictsAquariumSociety/ and https://www.facebook.com/events/1327504317796719/?ref=newsfeed for more details
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