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Bradc last won the day on August 16 2018

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  1. I dont think so i just ment the many forums for cichlids that are on there may have taken over these types of forums.
  2. Have been thinking the same thing myself mate. Maybe facebook has taken over the forum side of things more so? This place use to be full of sales and advice but has definitely slowed down in the past 12 months.
  3. So pretty much a sediment trap? Would like to see how you have made 1 if you have a picture fishdance
  4. Have you drilled holes into the drum itself for plumbing yet? If so what did you use to seal? Just a bulk head fitting? Its bloody impressive. Being that big and so much media im guessing you could run the next "something bigger" off the exact some design and be more functional then a sump. How will you clean the bottom of the drum of crud? I mean im sure a big siphon will get most of it and the wool will catch most of it. If i ever get a large tank for rays id love to do something similar!
  5. Probably find that the 2 tanks on that 1 shelf weren't the width of the rails and it was the ply flexing not the stand. Im interested to see how yours turns out im thinking of doing something similar but making my own racking i do a fair bit of welding at work so i have access to a mig and enough know how to make my own. Wanna try a 6ft shell dwellers tank and a tropheus tank.
  6. Will be fine mate. Ive seen racking like that hold transmission out of scrappers and haven't bent or buckled and theyd be alot heavier then 2 of your tanks. As for it bending and cracking tanks if the base timber is solid and the racking doesnt flex or twist i dont know how it would crack a tank. I mean 2 solid flat surfaces with no movement in my eyes cant cause 1 to break?
  7. I thought it was joey might have been a different youtuber there are a ton of them now. And fair enough mate. Well good luck on your project. Keen to see how you get on with it.
  8. Look up the king of diy on youtube he shows maybe what your describing when he uses hes blue drum for a sump. Also ive used coloured contact on my teir in my garage (used them as dummys for when i go a larger tank) For back and as long as there are no bubbles looks great and if you get over it just peel back and spray some windex on the sticky residue and it come straight off
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