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TJK1818 last won the day on August 27

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    Wollongong NSW

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  1. There are only Furcifer around these days, if anyone has foai they are keeping them secret. I haven’t seen furcifer in the auctions recently but i do have a female with a mouthful. Allfish has em at the moment 6-8cm for $65.
  2. A friend of mine has tried to join ACE, his request has been pending for over a week. I thought I’d have a look at “staff” to see who the admin people are. If you go through the list, you can see that half of them haven’t been active for a long time. It might be a good idea to get some fresh blood on that list to prevent ACE from slowly fading away.
  3. Male black calvus
  4. Male black chin showing off
  5. Altolamprologus compressiceps kantalamba
  6. Young male ventralis chituta starting to colour up
  7. I’ve found the best way to stop the buescheri male from focusing his anger on the female is to give him caudopunctatus neighbours.
  8. Don’t go to facebook, the grass is not greener. Most of the best breeders still check this site fairly regularly. The hobby has lost some greats over the years. But this site is still the best spot (in my opinion).
  9. Was a good meeting. I got some nice gold comps and orange caudos for a good price. Did notice a few car incidents on the way home though due to monster puddles.
  10. I agree with everything Bruce has said. Good quality bait prawns are the go. But I also played around with lighting once, I tried a blue light setting (as they are fairly deep water fish and blue light penetrates deepest). They bred. Could’ve just been a coincidence though.
  11. I found that clown loaches didn’t kill the trumpet snails. The only way I beat them was by removing all the substrate, letting it sit in a hot shed for a few months to fully dry out, then it was fine. I know that’s not an easy option but it worked and didn’t need chemicals.
  12. Anyone who breeds cuckoo catfish, do you find that Malawi cichlid hosts have a better success rate than Tanganyikan hosts?
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