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Aquaman2567 last won the day on January 17 2023

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    Camden, NSW

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  1. The hump heads were the first ones i took out.. one of them looks like it has a tube tho.. I'll recheck tomorrow.. stressed them out today
  2. The tank is 8 by 2 by 2.. just removed what I think to be 5 males. The big boy is starting to move around and explore the tank. He was not as active before hand. Still have 12 in there. 5 are on the small side.. thinking of removing the 2nd male and the second cave give the dominant male more room... he is a fair bit larger than the other male. I'm sure I've missed some males. Venting is tricky
  3. Having trouble venting them... it all looks the same to me... is there someone that does it for a fee? House call vet perhaps? Or someone on here?
  4. I'll pick up some bait prawns see how they go.. thanks guys..
  5. I can see a few small tubes on a few.. I'm going to get rid of some males... my male looks like a dominant fish.. the hump is very large.. hopefully he can get the job done lol.. I bought 20 and it's interesting how the sizes are so different.. a few just didnt grow much at all..
  6. Their are 2 clear males in the tank.. the rest are just sub males.. I was hoping the tank was big enough to just leave them in there.. I think I'll need to vent them all and get rid of the extra males.. I'll try the bait prawns aswell... I'd love some extra females.. might start looking around.
  7. Is that what you mean by tube down? This isn't my fish I just had a quick look on google.
  8. I've also put black backgrounds on the back and sides to increase privacy and avoid spooking them..
  9. I have 18 moba frontosas in a large 8 by 2 tank and having trouble getting them to breed. They are about 4 years old. I've recently put in 2 large caves either sides of the tanks and the 2 larges males hang inside. I feed them high protein fish pellets which the seam to enjoy.. I think my problem is that I have about 10 males in the tank but they don't fight with each other at all. Can any of the frontosa fans help? Thanks in advanced...
  10. Do you think it looks more like a lemon jake?
  11. My wife thinks the white ones have red eyes. I can't see properly lol. I will grow them out. I was just surprised to get 2 different colours. It's the first time they have bread.
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