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About JonFishin

  • Birthday 30/06/1985

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  1. Thanks Link, Yes, I think a trip to Brisbane is on the cards!!
  2. Thanks mate, I have seen the allfish2u and looks really good 👍🏼 I haven’t seen the other one though so I’ll be sure to check it out.
  3. Great to know 👍🏼 Thanks Adam
  4. Thanks guys, I’m in QLD unfortunately so won’t get to go. Enjoy though! Hope you pick up a bargain! Looks like I’ll be sticking around 👍🏼
  5. Hmm…running out of places to go then! Hopefully they all come back here! I see the online purchasing has really lifted its game since my time out of the hobby - some good stores out there now with what looks like some really nice fish. Just not used to paying retail prices 🤣
  6. Hi guys, Been doing a bit of catch up and scrolling through some old posts that say a lot of people have gone to Facebook. I don't have FB but am prepared to join to get back into the hobby. What are the pages that our old members frequent now, does anyone know? Thanks, Jon
  7. Does anyone know if these are still getting around the hobby and where the best place to find them may be? - P.polit - M.msobo Thanks guys, Jon
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