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Calvus last won the day on August 30

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    batemans bay

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  1. i put my dry feed into a pepper grinder to make it real small so they can eat it. yeah they more like hop than swim as young fry. microworms and live brine shrimp are great food for young fry, loads of water changes too will help em grow. hope all goes well when you're away, maybe buy a auto feeder just to be sure they eat. also i use a air tube to syphon up left over food.
  2. possibly parasitse? sorry post is old... Metronidazole or colloidal silver would be my go too
  3. you don't want fin nippers for tank mates(angels will attack, gourami will also be a problem and yes your tetras, all fin munches), most community fish are fine otherwise
  4. hope he is ok? what are water parameters? any tank mates? if not too late...
  5. malawi do work best, red empress are my fav, blue heads seem to help... also if you want to breed more than a mouthful a time, use marbles as substrate, use a few tanks and move them round, youll have 1000s in no time...
  6. doesn't sound right, its not working... maybe crap bulb too or ad above cheap junk not fit really for market, swap the bulb for something quality if not silly fitting only for thier bulb, yes if working should wipe out that alage unless you smashing the system with food(nutrients) and huge light hours.
  7. buy a drop saw elcheapo from bunnings. once you get the hang of it youll be making tank racks, lol.
  8. adamgatt, long time member here but long long time since visited... stunned at the inactivity, if i can help as a ex admin of other forums let me know.
  9. that's a lot of fish in a small tank! get rid of some males mate. you dont really want more than two in that tank, id keep one but competition should stop him being lazy with the girls... i keep 2 males only ideally with 5-8 females in a 10x3x2 on a huge system and they bred like rabbits. home made food(prawns, mussels, squid, spirulina, nori seaweed, spinach n white fleshed fish blended up n frozen in snaplock bags).
  10. hi, awesome fish these. first pic, male is in background, female in foreground. last pic is male. you may have eggs, they look young so might take a few batches unless you strip shell to get fry. I silicone my shells to a terracotta plant sourcer as the males can get hungry when fry are free swimming and trap the female if unlucky. enjoy the show, lol.
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