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Josh last won the day on October 7 2022

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About Josh

  • Birthday 08/03/1975

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    Albion Park Rail NSW
  • Interests
    Cichlids, fishing and.....well what else is there?

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  1. I bred heap of the Ps Livingstoni years ago and there were other breeding them. There were a few in Melbourne at the same time and I sure I sent some to QLD. I know Ducksta and John Smits had them too. I did a forum search and this would have been ten years ago......
  2. Josh


    Two of my favourite ever Species. The Rusty's are stunning!
  3. This used to turn up a bit on peacocks when I was breeding them years ago. No-one really ever knew what it was. It never affected the fish except for their appearance.
  4. There was a time years ago that the big auctions would run until the early hours of the morning. I can remember bagging fish at 6am before traveling to Sydney, all day and evening at Auction and then get back home at 2am to float fish in the tanks. The fish will be fine.
  5. Thanks for the info guys. I am unsure if I will be chasing any up yet but the new house is a only a few months away and there is lots of spare room for tanks
  6. Hey Everyone, Does anyone know if the following Mbuna are still available in OZ? Pseudotropheus flavus, Pseudotropheus Salousi, Pseudotropheus Demasoni, Pseudotropheus sp. "polit", cynotilapia afra cobue. Cheers Josh
  7. There are some really good points in that post Chuck. I Moderate here but my hands are tied to the amount of access I have. Basically I can remove posts and lock them if shit hits the fan. Ged logs in maybe once a year and that usually coincides with the forum shutting down because someone hasn't paid the bill. I have been here since the day it change from the Sydney Cichlid page and tried to evolve into a national forum. I have seen it then trying to evolve from a Cichlid specific forum to a general aquarium forum and I don't think it has ever really found its place. All of the super busy forums that I used to use have long gone. Tropheus Fanatics is now face book based, Frontosa fanatic is gone, QLD cichlid forum gone, Pleco fanatics gone, boronia, Drumpak (LOL), they are all gone. There is plenty more that I cant think of right now. Years ago Sydney was the main stage and I think now the place to be seems to be over west. I am NSW based, so this place has always been home to me. I will add that I believe that the clubs are having similar issues when it comes to patronage. I have never seen a Facebook page that offers what good forum can offer. Most are run to support the owners of the pages views and anyone who dares to argue gets punted. Maybe some of the rules are old and probably do need updating. A forum is only ever as good as the community that uses it. If people don't engage here then the forum will die out.
  8. does anybody ctually use this feature?

  9. If you want a food to enhance color buy whitecrane. Then you can use good quality food the rest of the time for nutrition. I would expect that there would be a fair few mea not showing as they are not dominate and there is no females to show off to. A true color enhancing would help to bring out colors What are you feeding them at the moment?
  10. We already know they aren't a Duboisi. Line breeding is taking fish of the same species and breeding them together to get a desired look. T. duboisi starburst is one that comes to mind. A adult Maswa that doesn't loose its spots.
  11. I agree with Chris. Line bred fish are still pure fish its just that they have been bred to have desirable traits.
  12. Josh

    tank overflow

    some ideas of mine
  13. Josh

    display tank

    Pics from my display tank
  14. Josh

    Useless posts

    maybe some one could make a template of "how your post should be set out". This would stop questions like "got any photo's" and a reply of "nope" and have the post deleted after 2 months or some thing like that for example F.S.---what ever it is Hi everyone I have for sale -Some of these. I want $$$ for it <insert picture hear> -and some of these. I want $$$ for it <insert picture hear> etc etc ---whatever babble you want to add---- Contact me by PM email <insert address here> Thanks who ever you are Thanks Josh
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