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Whats Your Fav Cichlid


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Hey hey,

Just has to be Tropheus species..........Chipimbi, KI & KII's, duboisi (Maswa and Kigoma) Ilangi and Mpulungu wub.gifwub.gif

Then there's Ps. demasoni wub.gifwub.gifwub.gif


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good quality Aulonocaras because they got me into the cichlid hobby to begin with. The first time i saw one i said to the guy at the fish shop, "WOW that looks great , What is it?" and i've loved them ever since.


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Definately L. ocellatus. They joy I've derived from breeding these little characters has been imense. I reckon if they were two feet long they would be man eaters. I've got 2 succesive broods growing out at the moment, and I can watch them for hours wub.gif . I also had alot of fun with kribensis.


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Mmmm a tough question.

I like my Protomelas species and in particualr my Red Empress - they kind of kicked open the hobby for me a bit as I've developed a good breeding colony.

It's kinda weird but I don't actually keep my favourites at the moment! (working up to that) I love dimi comp, tropheus (most of them), and cuckoos. Also really enjoying my P. saulosi and emerging ngara peacock colony.

Also have a soft spot for Julies - they were my first fish to breed for me.

Just so hard to choose one favourite! cool.gif



Edit - just realised that all the fish on my little picture are my favourites tongue.gif

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