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Help me and Jester identify this spider


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Nice vid wink.gif

Actually I think the special would be called "When drunken partygoers accidentally choke on a spider, causing them to projectile vomit on the cameraman" tongue.gif

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Wow, a mechanical wind up spider....

thumb.gif You two are crazy. I know a girl who would probably hyperventilate, vomit and then pass out if she saw that video, spiders are her greatest fear.

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Yeah I have a healthy fear of spiders as well..

I didnt like getting too close to jester when he had the spider with him,,

I greeted him at my front door and he has that on his shoulder.. LOL..


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Spiders commonly loose legs in fights or when they have an escape from prey.

i agree with wetfish on this one however, since i carried out similar behaviour under the influence when i was younger(all to get a girl laugh.gif ) i have to say that huntsmans can be quite aggressive (as i unlike jester have worse luck and have been bitten a few times).

guys, that definately looks like a huntsman to me, the common huntsman comes in many colour varients i have also seen them with a white stripe and have even seen them with blue areas on their back.

ryan thumb.gif

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A few years ago I was at a friends place in the mountains and while we where watching tv she went over to check on her 8 month old baby in the bedroom .

I heard a scream and ran in to see what was happening and there was my worst nightmare , she had seen what looked like a twig sticking out of her babys mouth and when she pulled on it out came a bloody big huntsman ( the twig was the spiders leg ) .

Spiders have given me the creeps ever since .


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yeah i don't mind hunsmans but the very sight of a redback makes me freese on the spot with fear after previously walking into a newly woven web accross the shed door with an angry mum hanging right infront of my eyes blink.gif.

Anthony ohmy.gif

PS: Spiders and other creepy crawleys are definately one of my weekneses, i'm just glad i live no where near those Sydney funnelwebs sadsmiley02.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...

back to the original question.

I think the spider is a "Holconia immanis" Huntsman.

I have had a weird fascination with spiders ever since my brother and sister held me by the arms and legs over the top of a rather large "black hairy thing" and then gently placed me down. mad.gif

I was only about 6 or 7 at the time and subsequently spent the rest of the night (or possibly week) quivering in the corner of my room, in need of psychological help. sadsmiley02.gif

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Sounds like your brother and sister are either very mean or very funny woot.gif

Sorry to hear about your psychological problems wink.gif

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hmm judging from the size of those pupils I'd guess that bite occured pretty recently and it hasn't quite been forgotten.

Actually I think it was the amount of alcohol consumed that night tongue.gif

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laugh.gif yeah i cant get the vid either! Jester your a mad mate!! One of my mates from up in sydney is a builder and was working reposting a fence for someone one day and he decided to sit down under a tree for a nap, he got up and went back to work and after a while looked down at his hand and saw that the big blister he had on his hand had gone black???( i bet you can guess where this is going) Anyways so 2 days went by and he thought "better go see the doc" so off he went and the doc couldnt work out how the blister went black so decided to take a sample of the black stuff to test, when they opened the blister out came a sydney funnelweb spider!! ohmy.gifohmy.gifohmy.gif must have gotten under his skin when he sat down after diggin the fence! scary stuff though! thumb.gif They had a contest on the radio a few weeks back about the scariest spider story but he didnt win cause a guy slept with a bird eating spider on his face so he won hands down! LOL Cheers Andy
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Can you email me video to dannykirin222@hotmail.com

Looks dead,

That spider coudive just walked down his throat lolz.

Dun think its alive anymore, maybe it was alive before the pics were taken?

Man, why would you wanna put a spider in ya mouth, not really a humaine thing to do lolz

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