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hobbies other than fish


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i would have to say that since the new job everything has been a bit moved down the list, which kinda sux. I now work 200km away from well everything , doing 13 hour days 5 on , and 5 off. So the days i am working i just sleep and eat and work.

But when i get back home:

I have the g/f ooops i mean fiancee, as of two weeks ago (new job means i could afford to buy her a nice ring !!!)

i have the fish of course sadley being a tad neglected, because i cant stare at them for several hours a day, to pick up the finer things that are going on.

I go to gym as often as possible, was 5days a week, now 3 days a fortnight.

I enjoy martiall arts but due to time i have not done it in a while, pitty..

I like cars, wine, building stuff (mainly wood, but trying my hand at welding a bit now),

up until a few months ago we were also wildlife carers for the last 4 years, allways something hopping , or scurrying, or chirping around here (actually still have 2 possums and a squirril glider that are getting close to being released)

have a play at computer games sometimes

And have deferred uni for 6 months until i figeur out the new job a tad more.

Trying to save for a wedding now, but then a house, so that will be the next big hobby i figure, yards to do up, things to change etc

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Hi Maz -

Its hard to believe isnt it that we could do anything other than look at our fish and chat about them at ACE wink.gif.

My carnivorus plants are a bit fiddly to keep - but the succulents I mentioned are "pot and forgot" types of plants generally... If only I could stop the possums from eating them sad.gif ... so they fit in well with an otherwise all consuming hobby smile.gif

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up until a few months ago we were also wildlife carers for the last 4 years, allways something hopping , or scurrying, or chirping around here (actually still have 2 possums and a squirril glider that are getting close to being released)

Good for you trofius thumb.gif

Gai Waterhouse, John Oshea and Graham Rogerson

All great trainers....still waiting for Gai to win the big ones in Melbourne wink.gif I use to help out with track until I had a horse bolt and take off through the gates of the track onto the highway...no more riding for me sad.gif

merjo smile.gif

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Ummm I just started a new job. Too tired for everything else these days. Need to reset my body clock and build my stamina or something. I guess I will be in the swing of things soon.

I used to play a mixture of sports 3-5 times a week pending training arrangements for each. Including cricket, indoor cricket, indoor soccer, soccer, indoor netball, touch football, golf or squash. I have tried almost any sport I have heard of, but am pretty crap at most LOL.gif I now don't get home in time for most indoor sports fixtures as we seem to draw alot of early timeslots.

Also I like music, rock - punk through to heavy stuff - This is something I can enjoy at work, and while travelling which is a bonus.

Love being anywhere near the coast; fishing, surfing when I was younger but no time since school finished so stick to body boarding with nephews and neices these days.

Big fan of nature/wildlife, I guess we all would be.

I actually really like walking blink.gif Which means when the opportunity arises for walks around the bush or over rocky passes into secluded beaches I am always first to sign on.

Then of course theres beer and TV. Which seem to have taken pole position with my lack of wind-down time these days.

And I, like Andy, absolutely love reading. I am starting a new 1100 page beast over the weekend or Monday on the train. "The Pillars of The Earth" by Ken Follett, comes highly recommended. I will give you lot a review by the March auction LOL.gif

edit: phew caught that just in time. Missed a comma and it would made me a whole different person in your eyes. Guess which comma dntknw.gif

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wife (better put that here in case she sees it smile.gif )



hip hop music




reading fiction

cofee, I love good cofee

It's hard to pick a top 5 because being obsessive I am into so many things. I could love anything I get interested in and I have never lost interest in many of those I have passed by.

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Ummm I just started a new job. Too tired for everything else these days.

Ummm Gav said you sleep in your cubicle for half the day, so how could you be tired?

Missed a comma and it would made me a whole different person in your eyes. Guess which comma


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Ooh I forgot to say coffee... It's not really a hobby but I am quite obsessive about it thumbsupsmileyanim.gif

How would Gav know if I've been sleeping all day? By the time he strolls in its lunch time, and then after lunch I am on full alert having to dodge the stress balls being launched at him which don't quite make it over the cubicle wall LOL.gif

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At the moment it's mostly fish for me, along with some renovating, gardening, woodworking and drinking.

My job and family keep me fairly busy these days so a lot of my former hobbies are just dim memories now smile.gif

In the future as time permits I'd love to build a chook house and get some chooks too. Sounds like Ged would be a good bloke to talk to about that LOL.gif

Andy, after reading your list I had to go lie down for a while. Where do you find the time for all that???

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This is my list:

Scuba diving (teaching and now underwater photography)

Ice hockey (my main sporting love at the moment)

Snowboarding (my second love - I should have been born in Canada  )


Surfing (although haven't been for a while now)



Reading (can't go more than a day or two before starting a new book)

Bearded dragons

My dogs

My wife  Don't tell her I put her at the bottom as well  

But the number one thing in my life right now (and would give everything else up for it if I had to make a choice  ):

Me thinks that list is gonna be reduced somewhat with your latest arrival wink.gif

Ducky....I like Andy too...it's ok to say so LOL.gif

merjo smile.gif

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Where do you find the time for all that???

I don't really cryblow.gif

At one time or another I did each sport pretty full on. Now I only play Ice hockey and Scuba dive regularly. The others I do when I get a chance.

Yes Andrea, I'll probably have to bring on the wife bribes for my annual pilgrimages to the snow from now on laugh.gif

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My hobbies are...

Soccer (love it training just started! YAY!)

Tennis (first season almost over.. not bad)

Computer gazing.. (don't take much in just look at the screen)

Girls wink.gif

Eating (takes up at least 30% of my time at home wink.gif )

Wow I have a boring life thats bout all I can think of.. School takes up most of my time though sad.gif


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other hobbies besides fish...hmmm, u cant be serious. LOL.gifLOL.gif

-trying different foods


-Hip Hop/RnB (cant live without good sounds)


-and gonna start 1st year uni in about a week at UTS (cant wait)

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Aviation (Ex RAAF, now work for Boeing)

Motor Racing, spectator only - drags, V8s, Indy cars, F1, love it all.

AFL, too old to play anymore but a season ticket holder to the Bris Lions (actually a Hawthorn supporter since childhood so don't bother to tell me to get off the Lions bandwagon - never on it! Well, maybe a little bit laugh.gif )

Play Squash

Xbox when I get time

But unfortunately a part time uni student so that usually stomps out all of the above except work. mad.gif

And when my wife and I finally have kids I'll have no time at all, and all my fish will starve to death or die in stale water cryblow.gif

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And when my wife and I finally have kids I'll have no time at all, and all my fish will starve to death or die in stale water


That's what I used to think. Three years ago I was desperately setting up my tank whilst my wife was in early labour with our first child. I figured I'd never have any more time for fish so this was my last chance to set up the tank!

Now I have 8 tanks and slowly growing...Also have a second child - so the moral of the story - there is life after kids thumbsupsmileyanim.gif



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For me its:


*Uni; I'm in my last year of a BA (English and History)/ BTeaching (Secondary) double degree. I'm fed up with it and looking forward to finishing! Three years so far of being flat broke and constantly bogged down with assignments has just about lost its mystique.

*Music; I was in a metal band for about 18months in which I played guitar and did backup vocals. I love heavy music, the type most people immediately react to with "turn it down" wink.gif Even though I love my metal I also like some classical, industrial, dance, rap and the oldies like Sinatra. In short I'd shrivel up and die without music in my life

*Trying to lose weight; I figure I've been trying for so long it might as well count as a hobby now blush.gif

*Gaming (not the gambling variety); I love my games. Since early January I've invested roughly 48hrs of gameplay in Final Fantasy 10 on my PS2. I also like games likes Morrowind, Doom 3 and the C&C franchise. What can I say, I'm a geek!

I think that about covers it .... kinda sad when I look at it sad.gif

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I like to take long rides on my 998s Duc with 3 or 4 other mates. Clears the head after a long week of work...not that playing with fish doesn't but it lets me get out into the fresh air.

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