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Uni and fish


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i know u said any of the business mags are good, but i still have to choose 1 to subscribe to....laugh.gif .

so in your opinion which mag is good for a marketing/management student



-The Economist (i got told this is a very good/interesting read).

once again thanks Roo, u have been so helpful. and sorry to everyone else, since im getting a bit of topic in a cichlid forum. blush.gif


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I'm with little swimmer. If you are having trouble with tank maintenance and uni what are you going to do when you join the workforce? The spare time you have now could be double what you'll have later on with a job.

My advice about uni, party hard. You'll remember those times forever.

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Personally I would go for business week ( but at 180 bucks a year it is steep mad.gif )

The economist is an interesting read ,but can be pretty full on. With most stuff just not relevant to Marketing.

I use the economist a lot for research etc.

BRW is too much based on Australian business which is ok if thats what you are into. Personally from an overall business perspective it is hard to pass the internationaly based mags.

This is just my opinion. And no argument will be entered into thumbsupsmileyanim.gif

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My advice about uni, party hard. You'll remember those times forever.

thats why i struggled in highschool, trying to balance party, school and fish, im worried it would get worser, especially if im goin to join those social clubs at uni, that just go to different pubs, clubs and to the beach and always party laugh.gif .

im asking to much aint i:

-get good grades at uni

-party hard

-maintain my passion for cichlids

it would be good, if i can pull that off.

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Personally I would go for business week ( but at 180 bucks a year it is steep mad.gif )

Hey Roo, for a student its only $104 for a subscription of 51 mags of BusinessWeek, cause students get the 69% discount plus i get a free business week travel bag. u should go to studentmagazines.com.au they have heaps of cheap subscriptions for students.


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im asking to much aint i:

-get good grades at uni

-party hard

-maintain my passion for cichlids

it would be good, if i can pull that off.

No your not asking too much, I averaged D's in my undergrad and skied 30 odd days every season, worked, played golf every friday. Uni is a great time, what ever you do do NOT forget to hit the cans and socialise, the contacts and social skills you pick up doing this gets the jobs.

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No your not asking too much, I averaged D's in my undergrad and skied 30 odd days every season, worked, played golf every friday. Uni is a great time, what ever you do do NOT forget to hit the cans and socialise, the contacts and social skills you pick up doing this gets the jobs.

u dont understand how reassuring and how much better it made me feel about going to uni, when i saw your post. thumb.gifthumb.gif


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Aline I think its cheating to say you balanced a social life, when you actually mean you balanced making profiteroles for the auction, and then attending the auction.

Uuuummmmmmm forgot about baking dry.gif

Okay okay so my social life could improve. Thanks John for making me remember that smile.gif

See you soon.


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13 hrs a week???

Wow! I can only wish!

I work an avergae of 6 days a week, and am away from home for almost 12 hrs each day most of the time. That's 72 hrs a week compared to your 13.

When I get home I have a wife and daughter to spend time with, a forum to run, and I still manage to maintain 9 tanks and am currently adding an extra 12 tanks.

I'm sure you will manage to do both smile.gif

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When you are keeping fish I don't think it matters what stage of your life your at in trying to manage everything. If it is not the HSC it could be TAFE or Uni, or work, or family. IMO if you have the passion and enthusiasm to do the best by your fish then you will make time. You should be able to do both Uni and still devote time to your cichlids. It will give you an opportunity to unwind a bit from the academic side of Uni life as opposed to the social.


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I hate to sound a bit rude but 30 hours of uni a week??? laugh.gif laugh.gif most of us that work and have fish, would be doing a lot more than that. I work between 50 and 60 hours a week have two kids and still have time to run 5 tanks.

I know, 30hours doesnt sound much, but thats only contact hours. There is also allocated readings, assignments, essays and reports, those damn reports. Doing 4 subjects per semester u really should be doing alot more than 30 hours per week. I cant find a synopisis from one of my subjects that allocates times to each component, but im sure it would be close to 60 hours over the 4 subjects.

I do alot more work than i ever thought i would have to do at Uni, partly i didnt know that science was so time consuming and doing a double major doesnt help me either. Ive had to do way to many all nighters and lived off way to less a sleep while ive been at Uni. I know i used to sleep better while i was working full time!!!!!!!!!

And i only have 17 hours per week contact this semester!!!!!!! thats the least ive ever had, tho i have to do labs during holidays (damn u science)

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the contact hours might seem low, but the uni recomends something like 3hrs independent study to every hour of contact study, it also depends on the course and which uni u attend(obviously it would be heaps less for science courses since they spend alot of time on campus) . even though someone might only have 13hrs of contact, but they might have to do 3 times as much independent study to meet the requirments. u could say its like a fulltime job, except we have to pay to attend.

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Totally agree with grungefreek! yes.gif After I got into uni, I only had about 4-5 hrs sleep per night during semesters, and it's the truth. There were loads of essays, assignments, as well as the time needed to prepare for tests/exams during the off campus periods.

I've got friends who graduated last year in UNSW for some 3-years commerce-related degrees, they said that they only needed to go to uni for 1 or 2 full days per week (ie. from 9am until 8pm of lectures plus tutorials) and the rest of the week is off (ie. 5 days off!!! geeze...). dry.gif

I reckon it's really hard for a person who hasn't been doing science-related degrees to know and to understand how it is like doing science in uni if he or she is doing non-science degrees. And it is also really hard to describe how difficult it is to get a "D" or just even a "C" in some of the advanced subjects in the second last and final years of uni. Many of my classmates didn't even sleep at all for 2 or 3 days to finish all their assignments, essays, as well as their individual theses, just because these needed to be done all at once and be on time.

Once you have gone through the HSC and doing either 2nd, 3rd or 4th year of uni. You'll find that HSC is nothing compared to the uni exam. wink.gif (I even needed to take panado when i was doing my adv. biochemistry exam 2 years ago.) Good Luck and enjoy your uni life, slinky. wink.gif

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Once you have gone through the HSC and doing either 2nd, 3rd or 4th year of uni. You'll find that HSC is nothing compared to the uni exam. wink.gif (I even needed to take panado when i was doing my adv. biochemistry exam 2 years ago.) Good Luck and enjoy your uni life, slinky. wink.gif

wow, i didnt know business would be that easy compared to science (but i know now).

i remember during the HSC exam period, i only got a couple hours of sleep and had to even drink heaps of V to keep me going. i guess i better stock up on V again then laugh.gifthumb.gif

and kribbie, yor mate who crammed commerce into 2 days a week, that guy has a great timetable, the semester coming up im there for 4 days. so it ain that bad.


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i remember during the HSC exam period, i only got a couple hours of sleep and had to even drink heaps of V to keep me going

God im glad i didnt do anything during HSC. My high school days involved doing nothing at school, going motorbike riding during lunch hours and free periods, then study the night before the exams. I soooo loved high school, so so easy.

You'll find that HSC is nothing compared to the uni exam

True that, i hate exams, so so hopeless at them. I can go into an exam at 45/100 for the course, and then still only just manage to get a C or D. wish i was so much better at exams, no matter how much i study i just never improve.

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God im glad i didnt do anything during HSC. My high school days involved doing nothing at school, going motorbike riding during lunch hours and free periods, then study the night before the exams. I soooo loved high school, so so easy.

thats why i had to drink all that V, i needed to cramm everything the night b4 the exams.....lol. yeh, those were the good days, parties parties and more parties.

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Wow I wish my uni has been as easy as some of these other guys seem to think non-science people have it! Im doing a BA/Bteach dbl degree in 4years and I can honestly say they have been the most stressful, hectic and generally crappy 4yrs of my life.

I get barely any sleep, i work my butt off and barely find time to scratch myself.

The amount of work I have to do for teaching is just unbelievable! Between assignments, readings, research, work, tutorials, lectures, prac, library trips and THEN something resembling a social life, let me tell you my calendar is full.

I have been flat broke for over 3 years now because I cant work enough to keep me financially in the black. Why I cant work enough is because Im on a scholarship and if I fail a subject I lose my scholarship and have to pay back the money Ive been given.

I dont get time to see my friends, I neglect my girlfriend and my family and in all honestly I have not enjoyed my uni experience. I know that having a full time job and a family/child would be the most difficult thing I would ever do, BUT thus far I have to say Uni takes the cake.

It isnt all beer and parties, quite the contrary. Its literally hours of study, preparation for prac teaching, lesson planning, reading, assignments and staring at the clock.

I have to run to uni now so Im going to have to cut this post short but I feel for anyone whos done a degree, you have my respect!

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I'm in my 2nd year of Business degree at Uni, I do it correspondance but just one subject per semester. I have a full time job, am married and so I have just 3 tanks (1 display, 1 breeder, 1 fry tank).

As some of us know, being with a partner and being "DINKS" means your social life doubles, so I'm flat out fitting in study and just three tanks in!

I'm inspired by a mate that is in the same situation as me - married, does uni by correspondance, except he's in the Air Force and has two young boys! I don't know how the hell he does it but I 'spose it helps that his missus knows how to look after the fish when he goes away.

But I guess it's all about good time management. yes.gif

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Im doing a BA/Bteach dbl degree in 4years and I can honestly say they have been the most stressful, hectic and generally crappy 4yrs of my life.

God what uni are u studying teaching at????? Where ever it is thats the only place that teaching must be hard. I know teaching degrees here at Newy and in Armidale arent all that demanding. Must be because your trying to squeeze a 5 year degree into a 4 year hey.

Note to any potential Uni student. Do a degree in Occupational Therapy at Newcastle Uni. My GF did one and she had the most bludgey time ever. Her degree consited ofdrawing with crayons on butchers paper, singing abba songs and playing wheel chairs and other stuff not considered to be challenging. Oh wait, newcastle Uni mighten be around for long enough for some of u guys to come here wink.gif

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I did a double major...geology and environmental science. I graduated my final year with all HD and my degree reflects this. For me it was simple....put 110% effort into prac. work, assignments, essays etc. Expand the notes that you take in lectures...add pictures, graphs etc ...any visual aid. I find the brain remembers diagrams easier than thousands of words. That way the bulk of your marks are secured. I would wake up at 3.00am on the mornings of a 9.00am exam and cram ohmy.gif . The best way for me was deriving anagrams and diagrams wink.gif . From this I could expand a picture or string of letters into an essay. If you already know the work, this is easy. I used to laugh at the rest of the class running around in a panic trying to organise study groups just before an exam. If you don't already know the work before the exam, there is very little chance of cramming a semester's worth into a few study hours. I was playing indoor cricket 3 nights a week, softball (twilight and Sat. arvo.) and soccer on Sunday. I had plenty of "other" time to do whatever I wanted. Like I said, it is all about time management:

1. Do your assignments as they are given to you thumb.gif

2. Use diagrams and anagrams to help prompt you

3. If you are having problems with something, walk away and come back to it later. Otherwise you are wasting your time. No-one is ALWAYS in the right frame of mind for study. 2 full on hours are more productive than 5 hours of broken work

4. Play sports and have other interests...it helps break the monotony of continuous study

5. Be realistic about your ability to be able to drink/party every night of the week and still achieve good marks rolleyes.gif

6. Have a good relationship with your lecturers, lab. supervisors, tutors etc. They are more inclined to help you, cut some slack etc. if they know who you are and see that you are trying (as opposed to a trying student tongue.gif )

7. Enjoy your course...if you don't..it is very difficult to become enthused and achieve the results you want. I changed from engineering to geology, not because I couldn't do it, but because I hated it. It was a struggle to do homework.


merjo smile.gif

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You know what? after all my waffling, Merjo has hit the nail on the head, I did everything he just posted. Almost exactly. thumbsupsmileyanim.gif I never studied as much as the other students. but when I did it was quality. Friends used to boast of studying 12 hours a day, I use to laugh that I only did 5 hours. ( But i knew my five hours were bullet proof)

Slinky, follow Merjo's advice and all will be fine.

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merjo? he? no2.gif

Study? If you don't understand something for life the first time it is explained, it isn't worth remembering tongue.gif

If a class gets boring, stop turning up, if you fail the exams, try harder to not get bored next semester. woot.gif

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yeah if ya can follow merjo's advice u will have no worries. But not many people i know can do that. They are more like me and waste lots and lots of time and do everything at last minute. I have had no class the last 2 days and guess how much work ive done? None. I am a perfect example of the complete opposite to merjo. Basically i know im not like merjo and never will be, so my philosophy is "anything can be done in a night, to at least a credit standard".

Hd's would be great, but C's,D's + bludging is easier.

Try stick to merjo's ways!!!!!!!!!!!

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wow, i feel so hyped up about uni now, and i will try my best to follow your study plan Merjo and hopefully if i follow your plan well enough i might even get some HDs. laugh.gif honestly i didnt expect such a large number of responses initially, but u guys have helped me prepare my self mentally for uni and what to expect and even study tips. once again thanks for all your words of encouragement and help. thumb.gifclap.gifthumb.gif


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