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Ok who loves frontosa?


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"wild specimens not being as good as we all are hoping"

Nobody is culling all the ones with joined/crooked/extra/split/T/H/U bars in the wild. Some of them even get to be breeding and passing on their barring deficiencies... *giggles*

"anyone who thinks they're boring or over rated do a search on these they are a lot nicer than the average ones you would have seen locally"

Mate, I don't care how much colour you put on a frontosa - paint it flurescent blue - it isn't going to change the fact they don't do anything. I'd hang a painting of frontosa on my wall before I put them in a tank - it would probably have more action... Once they hit about 12-15cm, they lose any ambition to get to the other side of the tank and they just sit there... woot.gif

Any fish that I can watch spawn for 90 minutes and only witness 2 eggs being laid always remains boring as bat-dung wink.gif

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duck, your crazy their a beat fish LOL.gif but seriously your right about no culling , i thought all fronnies were nice until i saw the ones in canberra, which should have been culled.imo the aussie strain will always hold their price being the quality fish they are,and $30 for a juvie is a better proposition for most of us than a wildcaught zaire purple at $mega i dont think many importers will be bringing in common 6 bars when they are taking freight space from the exotica!

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I for one am excited by the Frontosa. I find their behaviour very relaxing but I guess 'relaxing to look at' is not everyone's 'cup of tea'.

I am also very excited about the yoyo loaches coming in. I missed out on a few years ago and regretted it ever since.

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Off topic - I agree with Ducky, they're boring as.

I had to be, for a good bit of the day, at the counter opposite a colony of them where i used to work, and they hardly ever moved.

Big males do look good, but yeah.

On topic - i can't wait for some clown peckoltias to come through, now i just have to figure out where i can put one without it getting eaten. laugh.gif


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l have been to the customs website and as others have pointed out

the Frontosa are not to be imported under 12cm, they will not be

cheap at that size, so l think the local prices are safe for now.

Local bred 7 Bar's 4cm $45, clap.gif most people can afford to buy 10 ($450)and grow them up but buying an imported Adult would be more like $150+, how many can afford to buy even 6 of them($900)?

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Great news guys, I've been hoping this would happen for a loooooong time!

Keep hold of that deposit of mine Nigel for some sweet Ikolas!!!! Yeah baby!!!!

So what fish do you not consider boring Ducksta? Obviously tropheus would be at the other end of the activity spectrum, but what's bad about a mellow fish mate?

Stop with the disrespectin' the fish man. angry.gif

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woot.gif damn, this is the best news ive heard in a while bigsmile.gif

i better start savin my cash and clearin out some tanks wink2.gif ,

so Nigel i was wondering can u tell us how much (just some ruff figures) the different varieties would cost us, so i can figure out how much to save and what varieties i can manage blush.gif


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It would be a bit hard to speculate on a price yet I will have to wait and see what the price for them is in September. Also the freight rates as they seem to be going up I think it has some thing to do with the cost of fuel for the airlines. I have had a look at the price lists I have now and they seem to catch them all over the lake. So the locations that will come in will be endless.

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These are some expected import COSTS from an importer in QLD. This is based on prices on fish in Germany, not straight from Africa, from exporters with world renowned quality.

These prices would get them landing here and quarantined. They do not take into account recouping losses or profit margins blink.gif

*** Hatched stock

'Blue Ziare Kapamba' 3-5cm $120 ...

'Blue Ziare Kitumba' 3-5cm $120 ...

'Blue Ziare Moba' 3-5cm $150...

'7 Bar's' 3-4cm $45...

'Mpimbwe Blue' 3-4cm $45...

'Mpimbwe Blue' 6-8cm $60...

*** Wildcaught stock

'Blue Ziare Kapamba' 11-14 cm $435...

'Blue Ziare Kitumba' 11-14 cm $435...

'Blue Ziare Moba' 11-14cm $570...

'Mpimbwe Blue' 11-14cm $205...

'Lightning Ikola' 11-14cm $205...

'7 bars' 11-14cm $205...

Of course, the little ones would need to be in the air several years to reach 12cm by the time they arrived.

Then there is the SE Asia option, where I have seen fronts for as little as a couple of dollars AU on lists. Of course their heritage is perhaps a little questionable...

Does that redeem me in the eye's of all you lot who like watching grass grow? tongue.gif

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This is indeed a very good news.

Does anyone know if the new classfications of the genus has been recognized to :

- C. frontosa

- C. gibberosa

- C. species north

If so, doesn't it mean the blue variants aren't included in this ammendement?

But Hmmm...there's always new species 'surfacing' into our shores. dntknw.gif

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I want my YoYo smile.gif First time i had them was like 3 years ago... beautify fish.

PS. I agree fronty's just a floating ornament, I have no interest in them not one bit smile.gif infact i rather choose guppies over them smile.gif (personal taste)

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This is indeed a very good news.

Does anyone know if the new classfications of the genus has been recognized to :

- C. frontosa

- C. gibberosa

- C. species north

If so, doesn't it mean the blue variants aren't included in this ammendement?

But Hmmm...there's always new species 'surfacing' into our shores. dntknw.gif

When the application was made they were all still classed as one species. dntknw.gif

Does this mean you can apply for an amendment to make it 'Cyphotilapia sp.'??

My guess is that we will end up with a wide range of 'C. frontosa' varients from both the North and South ends of the lake... If you catch my meaning.

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Hi all

That is good news if you are into them I am not yet as I don't have the tank space (yet anyways). That aside, I can barely tell the difference between a 6 and a 7 bar I would have no hope with a different shade of blue dntknw.giflaugh.gif

'Blue Zaire Kapamba' 11-14 cm $435...

'Blue Zaire Kitumba' 11-14 cm $435...

'Blue Zaire Moba' 11-14cm $570...

'Mpimbwe Blue' 11-14cm $205...

'Lightning Ikola' 11-14cm $205...

Ducksta, you might think that they are a little boring but they have really cool names laugh.gif



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Umm paparossco, I have some grey lightning convicts, you want some?  They have cool names woot.gif Only $285 each, or 10 for $2849

Cool names what a bargin now if only I had my wallet woot.gifwoot.gif

Hey if you put that name on a fish down here in a lfs they might get some buyers zipit.gifLOL.gifLOL.gif



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hey duck boy if you think these fish are boring you should pop past mine next time ur down in the gong raisehand.gif and then you will see how boring these fish really are, mine dont stop moving around they are worst than trophues clap.gif

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To all who don't like frontosas thats fine by me i love them but do agree they aren't quite as active as most cichlids. They look awesome when in a tank of them and nothing else but true not real active. blink.gif

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Hi all , just a thought..

Could the reason there is a size limit on the fronnies be because at that size 12cm, they are starting to get that distinguishing hump, and easier to identify. So that we dont start having things like Plecodus straeleni arriving on our shores. Also not sure if they are legal or not but maybe it is so they can be clearly identified from Sexies, and trets aswell.

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