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Importing from Lake Malawi (maybe)


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The time frame on getting a shipment from Stuart Grant is out of my hands. I put this post up to see if there was enough interest as there is a lot of work and money to make it happen so I did not want to try if there was no interest. Anyway now I see there is I will get it as soon as I can when that will happen I cant say. As for taking deposits I don't think thats a good idea for a lot of reasons and I wont be doing it.

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Hi to you all...

Didn't have much time since I"ve moved to GCoast.. Building house,, working and so on and so on.. blink.gif The forum up here is not bad. Unfortunate they have auctions only 2 times a year and in Brisy 4 times a year. I was checking ACE forum few times a month for the results of the inports listings and it is a great news with the results we got. And thank you to all that made it happened thumbup.gif .

Last time when I got the Cyrtocara moorii of you I said if the would be a chance to get the Copadichromis borleyi (Mara Rocks) wub.gif I would like to put my name on it.

Please dont replay to that comment...

Last year there was few people chasing Reddish looking cichlid, personal i dont mind the two following:

Pseudotropheus "Williamsi"

Aulonocara Rot, Albino

Aulonocara "Red Rubin"

I wish you the best and will be waiting to see what we get ( coming down to the big smoke in winter school holidays); and one more when are we going to get same 6bar blues


( raisehand.gif .au)

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J.S Be careful there is more than one variant of chitende type north.I have two variants myself



Cheers Aussie, wasnt aware of that thumb.gif so there are two different local variants for chitande type north? which one do you prefer?

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Its a great idea but what on average would the price be for 10, 10cm fish to be imported to Sydney?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm interested in the following Fish

Rostratus Fossorochromis rostratus Malawi

Red Empress Protomelas taeniolatus Senga Senga Point,Malawi

Ngara Flametail Aulonocara stuartgranti Mdoka Mdoka, Malawi

Haplochromis Sunset Dimidiochromis strigatus Senga Bay, Malawi

Electric Blue Sciaenochromis fryeri Malawi

White Tail Acei Pseudotropheus acei Ngara Ngara, Malawi

Malawi Gar Lichnochromis acuticeps Malawi

Jacobfreibergi Domwe Aulonocara jacobfreibergi Domwe Is Domwe Island, Malawi

Rusty Cichlid Iodotropheus sprengerae Makakola Reef, Malawi



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Matt unfortunately most on your list we are unable to import. I think you should have a look at the permitted import list. I wish we could bring everything on your list. wink2.gif

Who has been moving this post around the forum? I never know where it is these days. LOL.gif

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Hi Nigel

Any idea how to get a copy of the allowable import list as the link on your page (SCP) is dead. I actually cut those fish out of the link on page 1 but reading again its a list of fish in Aust


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Thanks for pointing that out Matt there is a few links on there that dont work. I will have to get them fixed. There is a copy of the import list on the AQIS web site if you do an ICON search you will find it. Any one know what happened to the link to the import list that was on this forum?

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Any one know what happened to the link to the import list that was on this forum?

Nigel I've answered that question here for you. Sometimes you'll need to allow us more than 4 minutes to answer you before you ask again LOL.gif

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Only the cichlid species detailed on this list may be legally imported into Australia.

• Aequidens pulcher Blue Acara

• Apistogramma spp.

• Astronotus ocellatus Oscar

• Aulonocara spp. Peacocks

• Benthochromis tricoti

• Chalinochromis brichardi

• Chalinochromis spp.

• Chilotilapia rhoadesii Rhoadesii

• Cleithracara maronii Keyhole Cichlid

• Copora nicaraguense Parrot Cichlid

• Crenicara filamentosa Checkerboard Cichlid

• Crenicara maculata Spotted Checkerboard Cichlid

• Cyathopharynx furcifer Furcifer

• Cyrtocara moori Malawi Dolphin or Moori

• Eretmodus cyanostictus Blue Spotted Goby Cichlid

• Eretmodus maculatus Spotted Goby Cichlid

• Gnathochromis permamaxillaris

• Iodotropheus sprengerae Rusty Cichlid

• Julidochromis spp. Julies

• Laetacara curviceps Flag Cichlid

• Laetacara dorsiger Red Breasted Cichlid

• Melanochromis auratus Auratus

• Melanochromis simulans

• Mesonauta festivus Flag Cichlid

• Nannacara anomala

• Nannacara aureocephalus

• Nannacara taenia

• Neolamprologus brichardi Princess Cichlid

• Neolamprologus cylindricus

• Neolamprologus leleupi

• Neolamprologus meeli

• Neolamprologus mustax

• Neolamprologus ocellatus

• Ophthalmotilapia spp.

• Papiliochromis altispinosa Bolivian Ram

• Papiliochromis ramerizi Blue Ram

• Paracyprichromis nigripinnis

• Pelvicachromis pulcher Kribensis

• Pelvicachromis subocellatus Ocellated Kribensis

• Pelvicachromis taeniatus

• Petrochromis trewavasae

• Pterophyllum spp. Angelfish

• Spathodus erythrodon

• Tanganicodus irsacae

• Tropheus spp.

NB. List current as of 14th November 2004


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