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C. afra "lions cove"


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Here is Ad's reply,

Hi Brett,

the Cyn. sp. "lion" has bluish and yellowish males and it is possible that a bluish

males may become more yellow with age/aggression/hormones/whatever. So, I think it is quite normal that your females throws blue males even though your current male is yellow. Would like to know if any of the young males become more yellow over time.

Enjoy your Cynos, Ad

There you have it.



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That's strange that he referred to them as "lion". There are strains of "lion" on the othe side of the lake to Lions Cove dntknw.gif

Either way, it sounds like the fish in my pictures are the same fish (they certainly look the same apart from the missing yellow colour). It would be interesting to see if the blue males throw yellow offspring.

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That's all very well, but what I meant was that Ad referred to the Lions Cove as

Cyn. sp. "lion"

Why didn't he refer to it as Cyn. sp. "lion" Lions Cove? The way he worded it, it looked like the Lions Cove was the only species that came under the name "lion". There are several "lion" variants, some in Tanzania.

Probably an oversight on his part, but that's the way it reads in his reply.

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I have a few fry's not sure if they come from the blue or yellow male. With time I'll let you know what colour they turn out to be. At this stage all my fry's have the tendency to look blue. I am not sure if that matters now?

Cheers Ziggy

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Ziggy, as far as I can tell, the males don't develop the yellow until they begin to mature, so all fry should look blue.

Someone that keeps an adult colony should confirm.

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