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Albino Electric Yellow


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Thanks for the interest everyone. I got these off Bill Smith, I was hoping he may of been right. dntknw.gif The albinos are still only 4cm. Will just grow them up & see what they are like then. rolleyes.gif

Here's a picof an albino pindani to compare.

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My little fella

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ps; How do I get the pics bigger?

Frenchy smile.gif

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Now those look like true albinos.

The first pic in the topic is leucistic, similar to lutino, as Ged said.

To be a true albino, an animal must have no pigment in any part of it.

Red eyes alone don't make one no.gif


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I think they look a lot more like Pindani. I know albino Pindani did come through Bay in 2004.

The LFS that was selling those fish here as albino Caeruleus changed the name to albino pindani (socolifi) after a few customers questioned them about it dry.gif

Andrea smile.gif

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  • 3 weeks later...

Still haven't found any pics I'd consider as true albino yellows, but here is one that looks the goods as to being the yellows without any black in them:

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Want some more yellow yellow pics i got heaps

couple of generations and better colours clap.gif

but all the yellow yellows i had!!! made a great snack for my big fish



x saulosi dntknw.gif = yellow no black dntknw.gif

x albino zebra = albino yellow dntknw.gif

have fun shock.gif

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There is a line of "black-less" line bred electric yellows from Victoria. They arent hybrids. That's not to say there isnt any hybrids.... but yellow only electric yellows have been successfully line bred.

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Hi Yew

There is a line of "black-less" line bred electric yellows from Victoria

Mate i have had 4th generation yellow yellow breeding well b4 melb or any other state got em wink2.gif

i have hundreds of pics to validate this ...mmm i will also add!!!

Mine were all destroyed !!! due to the fact that i could not be 100% of what i had!!! yep 4 generation later i could not state 100% and i di not want to be associated, backlash and crap associated to breeding so called mutts ...xxxx

To my knowledge and i have done heaps of research on the above mentioned!! and spent $$$ and time!! Their has never been exported or fund in the lake an all yellow yellow ? or Albino!

sadly i 1 day might find out that i really did have a good thing ..until then !!!

IMO all Yellow yellows and so called albino yellow are XXXXXXXXX


If you need any further info go to



or send me an PM happy to help wink2.gif

EDIT: SHOUTING is against T.O.U.
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There is a line of "black-less" line bred electric yellows from Victoria

Their has never been exported or fund in the lake an all yellow yellow ? or Albino!

The yellows YeW speaks of are a line bred variant. That's why you wont find them in the lake smile.gif

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i think seby knows what YeW meant BaZ, he said in his post he did 4 generations of selected line breeding himself to do the exact same thing. his point was that he couldnt be sure that it was a trait found in yellows, or if it was due to a cross somewhere back in the past that was brought out due to the selective line breeding.

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Seby seems switched on. Maybe instead of destroying the lot he could have destroyed half a dozen and counted the fin rays etc to see if they matched up with pure yellows or zebs, or were a combination (assuming pseudos and labs have different amounts of rays or other distinguishing features).

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Seby -

My understanding was that someone had been doing this in Victoria (ie: started with NORMAL yellows and line bred them). It wasnt a "weird fry" in a batch experience. It was genuine line breeding.


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Hi guys

Don't take any of this to hart...Not having a go at anyone. I will try to share my experience I had with these so called Yellow Yellows or no black yellows etc etc

Thanks Gav spot on mate thumb.gif

Yew the ones in melb prob came from the same batch or crosses of fish I got mine!! ..?

The pet shop owner that sold them to me, Told me he had got the batch from over east so ..????

I spent a lot of time with these fish ..Just because they looked really deep yellow and a little diff ...but as u can see from the pics I posted and also from the ones above the yellows don't look right !!! A little long in the body and also I found large discrepancies with the yellow colours..Some intense yellows and some like in the pics a somewhat washed out whitish yellow.

Mate I can go on and on …but I will say this !!

I destroyed all mine because I could not be 100% sure they were a genetic throw back or a cross ..But with all the work I have done on them I can tell u this !!!

1-They yellow colors would vary greatly with each spawn.

2-The black barring would appear on a small % of the spawn and then the black pigmentation would be split/cut basically incomplete...like pics posted on another forum on another thred. of so called nice yellows dntknw.gif (so if u have yellows with broken black barring, chances are they have come from the same or similar batch of yellows or crosses that these yellow yellows have)

3-As I did not breed the first yellow yellow ..Ie: I bought the 2 yellow yellows as yellow yellow (with none or little black on them)… (They were not a throw back from 2 normal I had. Thus I can never be 100% sure!!!)

4-All yellow yellow in the USA, Australia or any other country etc can not be traced back to original point of origin? Or 2 normal parents. Same as the so called albinos

5-Yes the ones I had were very nice and were breeding (true) if u can say that!! But at the end of the day why would I keep them if they were X. We have enough issues in this country with Xs already.

Yes I spent lots of time and $$ but it was heaps of fun doing it, and man did I learn a lot about genetics and people!! In the prose’s some good some not so good!!!

Yes Vis I could have done ray fin count etc etc but I don’t have the time money or interest anymore to persevere with fish/people and an issue already tainted…I was happy at the time to share and give away most of theses yellows I had and u can see this in my post but why waist anyone’s time on fish or issues that may lead to further conflict.

I breed fish and carry on in the hobby cause I get a kick out of my new fry that I just bred or finally getting my zebras to breed and even my kribs breeding in my kids tanks …I’m certainly not into it for the crap or glory the few so called expert are ..Hence why they were destroyed.

Anyway you guys make of it what u will ..I for one will not breed/buy/give etc any yellows with no ventral/dorsal markings or, yellows with no black or so called albinos.

Happy to discuss any of the above in a constructive manner at length.

And thanks to all of those who have enjoyed and gave constructive feedback on these post !!! Its grate to see these discussions and its never about who is right or wrong.

Is it not that !!!This hobby should be !!!

Thanks for taking your time to read the above thumbup.gif


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