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Six Foot Tank Bridge Width and Number?


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Thanks Ged, I read that, and it was interesting. I’ve saved it to Favourites; I’ll go through it again when I have more time.

Got prices back for 15mm glass = $1350

For 12mm glass = about $1000.

Approximately $350 extra for 15mm, does that sound like a decent trade off for what you are getting?

To me, perhaps I’m I’ve got tunnel vision, but that doesn’t sound too bad.

Comments welcome.


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When you get glass cut it is rarely perfectly square - there are always minor variations in the angle of the cuts. What I meant by dry fitting is checking how the pieces of glass go together - ie one side might fit better if used upside down on the left rather than right side up on the right. Basically juggling the pieces around with no gluing to get the best fit. On a tank making bench with a slight angle it is easy to have the base and back (although at the back when building, this is normally the front of the tank when finished) in position without holding them then see how the sides best fit so that the front edge of the finished tank is as even as possible.

If you are happy with the method and how the tanks you do turn out by all means DIY - just depending on how cheap you can source the glass it might actually cost you more. I would certainly recommend staying at 12mm glass though - I know at least in WA 12mm wholesales for around $100 per sqm and 15mm is more like $350....



Edit: I assume those prices are for 12mm all round vs 12mm with a 15mm base? Personally if its on a half decent stand, even if supported by bars not a flat surface, I think 12mm base is fine. Hell, if you want to go nuts, get a 19mm base - should only cost you another $70-80 on top on the $350 difference to get 19mm instead of 15mm. If the $1350 is for 15mm all round - then damn I want to know where you get your glass smile.gif However, I think you will find you should really be able to buy a pre made tank that size for cheaper than those prices. I must admit I don't know whether prices are different over east but we retail a 12mm all round 6x2x30 for $720.00

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Glass appears to be considerably cheaper in Sydney than in Perth. Maybe because Pilks have such a hold over the market there and we use a lot of imported glass.

Wait until the glass merchant sees the order for 1790x40x12, smile.gif)))))))).

I suspect only some one who has made fish tanks would be able to make a cut like that. Its an art not a skill.


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