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Petrochromis 'longola' pic


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I don't mind trying if someone can point me in the right directio. I don't have any background into this sort of thing but can type a legible and scientific paper smile.gif

Andrea smile.gif

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I have had a bit of a look around today and found these two sites

Amending live import list


This one

I have had a quick read through and know there is a heap of work involoved. Most of the info wouldnt be to hard to get but putting together an environmental impact study would take a whole lot of time


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Yeah I tried to find it and couldnt get hold of it. Depending on when Tropheus were added, there night not be a record (on the net) we can get. The same goes for the study that got the Petrochromis 'trewavasae' on the list before.

I will keep on searching.

Also I am pretty sure you cant add Petrochroims spp to the list nowdays. Each varient has to be added seperately. But maybe Anthony Ramsey would have a better idea on that one


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Well mate if you can find out what we need to know, I am happy to compile it into a document and forward it to the relevant authorities. Can you contact Anthony?

Andrea smile.gif

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Good on ya guys!!!!

Andrea...if u are successful with this i will send u some tropheus fry (your choice thumb.gif ) on the house provided those little buggers start to breed for me! LOL.gifwink2.gif Ofcourse, u will need to pay for the postage!

Jim...looks like your dream will come true!!! Don't u just luv these Ace fanatics!

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From what i have been led to believe is trewavasae is on the import list cause they are the smallest of the petro sp. they dont grow nowere near the size of the other petros dntknw.gif

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I don't think it had any thing to do with size but more to do with easy identification.

I am trying to get the environmental impact statements on Tropheus species and Petrochromis trewavasae from the archives in Canberra. If any one knows any easier way to get them let me know.

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Good stuff Nigel

I have also PM'd @nthony about it and am waiting for a reply. He might be able to shed some light it for us


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Works now smile.gif, my computer must've been acting up. Nice pics but I don't rate the fish, a bit dull. It would be great if you guys get Petrochromis sp. out here though, alot of the variants look very impressive, good luck with it.


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I had a reply from the archives at Heritage and Enviroment. They tell me they don't save all the impact statements but do have an assessment for Petrochromis trewvasase there was nothing on Tropheus. They are going send me a copy by mail as its not on a computer file.

So when I get it I will have a read and let you know whats in it. The assesment was prepered for the Australian Nature Conservation Agency.

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I received a copy of the assessment for Petrochromis trewavasae. So if any one would like to read it let me know and I will try to work out a way of getting it to you.

Its very informative and also has all the reference publications that where used to make the submission.

It was done by a company here in Sydney called Bionomics Environmental Services.

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Nigel I would be keen to have a read and see what is involved to prepare something. It might be easiest to photocopy and post it snail mail if there aren't many pages.

Andrea smile.gif

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