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Favourite Fish


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My favourites are:

Eartheater is the brachybranchus. (They spawned the other day and have a gob full atm bigsmile.gif )

Tropheus is the KII

Mbuna is the saulosi (Still hunting for a top quality colony or fry of blush.gif )

But the ones I really love are the bottom dwellers. My cats especially my Flash pleco, L204's wub.gif

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I would be looking at Nannochromis transvestitus. Very unhappy that i only have one left. I love Nigerian Red Pelvicachromis too. My interests in fish change like the winds, almost something little though.


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This was my female Nannochromis the day i bought her home, you can guess how much better she looked in a short period of time.

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catfish any type im not fussed even the old humble bristlenose , there are way too many cichlids i like to narrow it down to just the one

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I never thought i'd be saying this because I though it would be a pseudotropheus... but at the moment my favourite fish is a Labidochromis sp. 'Mbamba'

The photo is of my male when he was 5.5cm

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Nice choice Easty, L. nkambe are a great cichlid and I'd rate them high on my list too.

however I would have to say Im still a catfish person deep down. L# for me!

cichlids, Id have to say Tropheus, I still love my Moliros.


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I would have to say calvus are way up there followed closely by BN, peppermints , Demasoni, A baenchi 'Nkomo reef' and then Yellows. I pretty much love most africans, eartheaters and catfish, that is why I suffer from MTS.

I would really love to get into the tropheus scene next by trying my hand at some dubosi maswa. I might even have a go at frontosa



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1. Love My Clown Loach!! - Pleasant peace maker and friends with all fish

2. My Johanii (Sidney), gives me Sooo much viewing pleasure with his behavior and love his colour changes as well

3.My Venustus (Jimbo)- he's greedy Behaviour and "Cheekiness" in General.

But I like all 25 of my Finned buddies in General.

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Just wondering what everyones fav fish (cichlid or other) is at the moment?

At the moment i have an obsession with a group of Haplochromis Brownae i have had since fry. The power struggles and group dynamics is facinating.

my favourite fish at the moment is my crabro

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