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ZLP mbuna available in LFS?


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They'll be another cobwe/polit/flavus/etc.

i agree andy.as in all things for sale its not what people want for them its what people are willing to pay for them.theres also the irony that the second you sell them youve given yourself a competitor.the same thing happens as they sell thiers and so on and so on.id hate to have stock in them.

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I'd like to have stock in them, simply because they are a fish I've wanted to keep for ages.

I've put my money where my mouth is for cobwe, flavus, perlmutts, hongi, msobo and petros when they were all new. I paid more than I expected to get back simply because I loved the fish and wanted to keep them. If people buy a fish for inflated prices simply to breed them up and make a killing before the market drops out, then they are in the hobby for all the wrong reasons.

I've also spent $500+ a couple of times on juvenile foai and tropheus only to have the lot die on me soon after getting them. That's the risk you take trying to get new species into the country. Obviously I was upset losing the fish, and I doubt anything I could have done would have saved the fish (especially the foai), but I never thought it was a "waste" of money. If people don't take the risk (especially with legally importable Tangs), we simply won't get to keep the species we've always dreamed about.

The fact I now have an even bigger priority than new fish means I'll wait for the price tumble this time around. cool.gif

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Why are foai still so expensive then? Even if they are a legally imported cichlid and people are breeding them? I am getting mine for a good price but they are still very expensive. I was looking at the fish catalogue at my lfs the other day and the lfs pays over $60 per fish for a Ruziba.


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foai/furcifer are sunstantially harder to breed than a Pseudo. They also have a relatively niche market so importing them in massive numbers to bring the price down would be almost useless.

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$3 each?

Not to be a prcik, but seriously, $3 a fish. People still don't know how to use google. Mine will be going for at least $90


Mitch, I'm not sure that google has anything to do with this. The prices of fast breeding mbuna (with virtually no exceptions) drop like stones.

I'd wager these will drop faster even than C. afra "Cobwe" or Ps. sp. "Kingsizei".... and certainly faster than Ps. sp. "msobo" and Ps. demasoni.

There was a point in time when "hongi" were worth some serious money - the same can be said for Ps. acei "Msuli Point". This applies to a whole range of other zebras (Maylandia/Pseudtropheoid fishes). For example, I saw Ps. elongatus (of various kinds) selling for $60-80+ a fish... what do they cost now? $3-5.

Perhaps I was a little harsh in my original assessment and $5 is a more serious price. It's worth bearing in mind I'm not commenting on the NEED for "someone" to breed them in order for the price to drop, but you what they say about there being one born every minute wink2.gif.

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Yew, I like the look the look/style of them. That's all and that's why I'm in the hobby. I'm not here for the money (the earlier comment was a joke). Good quality hongi can still catch $7.50/fry given good parents. That's not too bad, when you think about it.....

Now onto the google thingy, which is related to above. If people still have to ask "what's it look like...." I can see people buying them from shops for $25 which indeed, some pretty sh*tty hongi go for.

BTW: I have got some Ps. Elongatus (gold bars) which I paid $8 for 2cm fry. These guys, now 3cm, have to been one of the most beautiful fish I have ever seen, yet I have not seen any in 95% of LFS's. Weird.


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All mbuna start high and end up at $1/cm eventually.... theres no secret about that... but different mbuna will stay at the $50,$40, $30, $25, $10 mark for different periods of time and this is because of high demand, even though it is inevitable that there will be a constant high supply.

Some fish which are hard to breed/raise, where there is hardly any supply, are worth $1/cm or even less because they are ugly and hardly anybody wants to keep them.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that even though there is a large supply of one species of fish... the price won't fall until demand also falls and even though there is no supply of another species of fish, the price won't rise unless there is a high(er) demand.

In the case of Zebra Long Pelvics I see ALOT of Supply but I also see ALOT of demand. The price is dropping hard (or has already dropped hard - rather) at the moment and will no doubt reach $1/cm eventually but just how long will it remain stagnant at the $40 mark $30 mark $20 mark $10 mark etc etc?

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I agree with what Mike has said. I can still get $8 for flavus and I know demasoni and polits still get good money IMHO. They arent at the sky high prices they were when they first got here, but thats the nature of the hobby. I think it comes down to the fact that alot of these fish dont get to adult breeding size.


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you know, for all this talk about them, there has still not been any pictures I have seen of the ones that are here. if they are as great as they are meant to be, and if they are seriously going to hold value, people would have posted pics of them everywhere to show off how glorious they are. the fact there has been none posted anywhere seems to indicate that they havent exactly lived up to expectations and are nothing to write home about. i know i had high hopes of what the zebra gold charo would be like, have heard them talked up for a while, but then saw pics and was bitterly disappointed how dog ugly the girls are, and even the sub dominant boys. the price of the ZLP will depend mainly on how nice a fish they are and how hard they are to breed.

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you know, for all this talk about them, there has still not been any pictures I have seen of the ones that are here.  if they are as great as they are meant to be, and if they are seriously going to hold value, people would have posted pics of them everywhere to show off how glorious they are.  the fact there has been none posted anywhere seems to indicate that they havent exactly lived up to expectations and are nothing to write home about.  i know i had high hopes of what the zebra gold charo would be like, have heard them talked up for a while, but then saw pics and was bitterly disappointed how dog ugly the girls are, and even the sub dominant boys.  the price of the ZLP will depend mainly on how nice a fish they are and how hard they are to breed.

Everyones entitled to their opinion but I think the main reason people aren't posting pictures is bacuse they have fish at 4-5cm and the males are just starting to colour. My dominant male is starting to show some real nice colour but I can't wait till he is about 8-9cm so I can give him the show pony pictures he deserves tongue.gif

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you know, for all this talk about them, there has still not been any pictures I have seen of the ones that are here.  if they are as great as they are meant to be, and if they are seriously going to hold value, people would have posted pics of them everywhere to show off how glorious they are.  the fact there has been none posted anywhere seems to indicate that they havent exactly lived up to expectations and are nothing to write home about.  i know i had high hopes of what the zebra gold charo would be like, have heard them talked up for a while, but then saw pics and was bitterly disappointed how dog ugly the girls are, and even the sub dominant boys.  the price of the ZLP will depend mainly on how nice a fish they are and how hard they are to breed.

Everyones entitled to their opinion but I think the main reason people aren't posting pictures is bacuse they have fish at 4-5cm and the males are just starting to colour. My dominant male is starting to show some real nice colour but I can't wait till he is about 8-9cm so I can give him the show pony pictures he deserves tongue.gif

Mike, IME this could spell their failure to fire as a desirable species. Take a look at what holds value relatively well, and stays in demand for more than fish-nuts. Off the top of my head - yellows, salousi, demasoni.... They have one thing in common - awesome colour at 3cm. 6cm and one boy starting to show some nice colour smells like retail failure to me. There's always the niche market here (and places like here) but IMO that's not the money maker zipit.gif

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I dunno.. don't really care either LOL.gif

On msn everyone is telling me how theyre getting some Zebra long pelvics now...

They sound like a new L168/frontosa type fish to me. Price just dropped and the flood gates have opened.

The more hype, the more people will wanna get get their hands on them too wink2.gif

The person who originally bred the ZLP has definitely sold a truck load of fish in the 1000s

IME I've sold more neon spots than any other fish and the females aren't stunning. Go figure.

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