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Fish Gasping 4 air


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Hi guys just wondering what could be the problem with my fronny. She is about 20cm and is gasing 4 air no other fish in the tank is doing this and she isnt off her food , she has been like this for about a week now please explain?? :wub

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Hi guys just wondering what could be the problem with my fronny. She is about 20cm and is gasing 4 air no other fish in the tank is doing this and she isnt off her food , she has been like this for about a week now please explain?? :wub

we need a little more info,

tank size, filtration, numbers of other fish, water paremeters. then we could consider the possibilities

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Its a 5x2x2 there r 4 fronnies in there ranging from 16cm-25cm i have well its an inbuilt sum ,

their is an added weir filter media in the first wier then pump in the second weir pumping water back into the tank.

Like a sump but its in the tank as well not under the tank. Ohh sorry and there r a variety of other cichlids in the tank 20 or more.

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Sorry the ph was around 7.6 ive added 2 cap fulls of prime and ive also cleaned out the filter material in the sump, and before u ask she was breifing heavily before i cleaned the filter material i> i hiope this helps

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I have yellows(2) hongis(4) ikolas(2 ) manganos (1) crimsom tide (1) a pair of convicts ( they provide lots of live fish food) cobolts blues (4 )and mpangas(4) fronnies (4) largest fish in the tank and a small pair of chipokee and sum bristlenose

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Cheers Bruce for your comments ill get the pump out 2morrow and start draining the water .

I aslo have a log in the tank that would lower the PH but then ive put in coral to raise it that wouldnt be effecting the water do u think. Ive had it in their since the set up of the tank :raisehand::raisehand:

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Could it be stressed from sickness? Could it have bloat or white spot? Bloat could affect just one fish. White spot usually more and there would be other signs to indicate this.

I had a fronny which breathed heavily for an unknown reason. I went through the water parameters and all were good, cleaned the filters, did lots of water changes and nothing changed over the period of a month. I ended up medicating it in a separate tank and it fixed it. I also reduced the number of occupants in the tank to just my fronnies (7), 4 elec yellows and a kadango. I suggest making sure your water and filters are spot on first, then if nothing changes after a couple of weeks, you may need try an antibiotic. Also think about your tank and where the fronnies appear on the pecking order. If they are getting pushed around, you may want to rethink what you stock in that tank.

I hope it all work out.


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The fronnies r the biggest fish in the tank and they dont really get push around.

Only the convicts get agrressive but that when they have fry otherwise its all good. Would ammonia spike effect only 1 fish or the whole tank.

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