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Have to concur with Huzzy again. What you want is a pump that can turn your whole system over 5-6 times per hour (more is better), and a pump that is not only quite but PROVEN reliable over the long run. I can vouch for Ocean Runner pumps at being both of those not only from personal experience, but from professionals in the industry who use them.

There has been a lot of new “cheap” Chinese (?) pumps on the market the last few years, they start out great promises, run well for the immediate future, then start causing problems. Ocean Runner is not one of these.

The actual cost of the pump though first on most people's lists should be the last priority, as no matter how cheap, if it is not reliable it is overpriced.

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well i must say that i have both resun an laguna an i havent had a prob with either... both are just as bad when it comes to noise... i will say the laguna pumps alot harder then the resun but...im pretty sure there are around the same L/hr... if your on a budget you can only do what the budget says i guess...


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Sorry to hijack, but it is still on the topic....is more flow better?

I am purchasing a new 4ft tank tomoro with the new in hood aqua one style filtration system. It involves a long spray bar in a gutter style channel in the hood, essentially like a long channel sump.

Should i take the option to upgrade the pump? I'll probably be using seachem matrix for bio, but i hear i can use bio balls because of the spray bar?

Sorry for all the newb questions,



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Bio balls in my opinion are the best sort of biological media due to their characteristic of expanding the tanks footprint for O2 exchange. Their downside is they have a relatively smaller surface area than compared to other medias such as Matrix. This negative point can easily be overcome by simply making sure the chamber that holds the bioballs is large enough that you can have sufficient quantity of bioballs.

However, in your case, if I understand correctly, you will have a limited area for the biological media, and you will not be able to increase this size. From my limited information, I expect you’d be better with Matrix.

In regards to the pump size, you don’t give much information in regards to what the pump rate is that comes with the set-up, and what size is the upgrade. However, I believe as a rule of thumb, you can’t do wrong with increasing the tank’s turnover rate, so I’d get the larger pump.


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