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Air Curtain


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Hi guys just wondering if any one had any ideas on an air curtain i have in my 5x2x2.

Now i have a double outlet pump runnning to the curtain but slowly over time there seems to be less and less bubbles coming out of the curtain, could it be the pump or the curtain :dntknw::blink

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Some poor quality tubing can constrict in the ID as they age.

Check to make sure that the weight of the tubing hasn’t bent down and kinked off the tubing anywhere along it’s length (particularly where it goes into the tank).

As has been said, air stones can block after a while too, though not all do; Aquasonic for example has a very good (read expensive) white coloured air stone that for me after several years has not slowed up.

You may even want to check the diaphragms of the pump in case it has started to split.

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