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Thoughts Please


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Hi guys just wondering which would be better, I have a colony of yellows which havent bread for me as of yet. :(

Now i have them in a 5ft tank with cobolt blues and mainganos (colones) now would it be better to put them in a 3ft tank by themselves or i have a 6ft tank divided in 3 and i could put them in there, the problem i think im having with them is there is a few fish in the tank and they r having troubles finding there own territorys.

What do u think :lol1:

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if there alone they will have nothing better to do then spawn like crazy... lol mine are alone in a 4ft there are 10 i tihnk adult fish.. there is always 2 holding at any one time.. good luck..

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I have found e. yellows will spawn anywhere, even in very crowded community tanks so IMO I don't think your issue really lies there.

I think a bit more information might help someone give you the answer, things like;

How old are they and how many males to females do you have? How long have you had them for?

Are your Cobalts or Mainganos breeding??



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The Mainganos and Cobolts have but they all have been moved around a fair bit so they havent had to to establish themselves in the tank.

They r also young and i know that will take time too, but in saying that the breeder that i bought my yellows off (we split the colony in half) his r breeding and they were only 3cm fish :blink:thumb

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Did you actually see his 3cm yellows while they were holding?? I've never seen yellows that small breed. :confused:

That's because it's impossible.

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:no: Thats unbelievable.

Ive seen yellows holding mouthfulls at 4/5 cm (i`ve got one now :thumbup: )

Gino i think they were a little bigger than 3 cm,

but yea i seen these fish from the same breeder and fark me he`s got yellows coming out of his rear!

Yeh , but true 30+ females in a 6 foot tank they are loving life :thumbup:

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