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Hi guys i was hoping someone could help me plz. I have a 5x2x2 with a mini reef and as extra filtration im using my eheim cannista filter, it a eheim pro with the vent on it.

Now its a great filter but my daughter went to turn the lights on the tank this morning and accidently turn the filter off :blink creating a vacumm and water started coming out threw the vent .

The dilemma i have is what if the power goes out :dntknw::angry: i will have water siaphoning out of the tank :angry::blink:lol4: and this will cause a huge problem any ideas PLEASE HELP

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Without having seen the filter in question:

It seems odd to me that a cannister filter wouldn't be a completely sealed system. Are you sure there isn't something that needs to be locked in place to prevent water coming out? Like a seal of a priming mechanism or something?

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Hi guys i was hoping someone could help me plz. I have a 5x2x2 with a mini reef and as extra filtration im using my eheim cannista filter, it a eheim pro with the vent on it.

Now its a great filter but my daughter went to turn the lights on the tank this morning and accidently turn the filter off :blink creating a vacumm and water started coming out threw the vent .

The dilemma i have is what if the power goes out :dntknw::angry: i will have water siaphoning out of the tank :angry::blink:lol4: and this will cause a huge problem any ideas PLEASE HELP

yeah this doesnt make sense to me either.

maybe your using the cannister as return pump? as in intake inside the sump and output inside the tank? if this is how it is set-up i suggest you change it immediately.

if it is a standalone, standard set up cannister i.e. input and output both in the tank then there shouldnt be a problem even if the cannister is switched off. if it does have a leak it shouldnt make a difference whether it is turned on or off, it should still leak.

i think you need to clarify more specifically.

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if it does have a leak it shouldnt make a difference whether it is turned on or off, it should still leak.

i think you need to clarify more specifically.

Actually if it has a leak you'd probably expect the it to be worse under pressure than when sitting idle.

I agree, we need more info. A photo or 2 would be even better!

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Its a eheim professionel wet/dry cannister filter 2227/2229 Pic will follow soon but they r saying in the manual to have the breather/vent to go into the tank. So i take it i need longer hoses, tthat will solve 1 problem http://www.aquariumguys.com/eheimwetdry.html Ive put a link here for all to see and read http://us.st11.yimg.com/us.st.yimg.com/I/y..._1952_176689292

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You're not referring to a venturi thingo? A small hole in the outlet hose that draws air in to help oxygenate the water?

If so, you've probably got it in the wrong location and it should be moved up above the tank water level.

If not, I'm still stumped as to what it could be...

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