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Just wondering ?


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She is hopefully "Gravid" with lots of eggs.

More than likely this is the cause, keep an eye out in a cave or some hidey hole nearby and you will hopefully have a male fanning vigourously really soon. :lol4:

cya Matthew

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HI guys i have a female b/n common in my colony that has a very large stomach, now is it because she is reday to lay eggs or is she sick :dntknw:

I would put money on it having a belly full of eggs , if you have a active male in your tank'''''''''

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Sorry to hear of your loss. :cryblow:

Perhaps she was eggbound......if this is possible for a bristlenose.

Sorry for the loss......you were probably all correct as - yes it is possible for any egg layer to become 'egg bound' :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks guys the other females have laid 2 batches of egss and my male is fanning away :clap:clap .

Now i have them in a 2ft tank with fry that r getting bigger,should i leave them in there (fry) or take them away so they dont eat the baby b/ns wat do u think. :)

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Good work on the little ones :thumbup:

Once they start, they never stop tho :no:

I've never had the parents eating the kittens, and I've found it best to let them grow out a little bit in their 'tank-of-birth'. Moving them can be a bit of a hassle, and potential for injury.

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