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Hi all i have a 6ft tank split into three..

The mesh is on the bottom and in each section i have sponge filters running.

Now i use the tank to grow my fry putting them in the next section as they grow. Now my question is what else could i use as a filter i just want the tank a little cleaner and im thinking the sponge filters are just not up to it :dntknw:

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Hi all i have a 6ft tank split into three..

The mesh is on the bottom and in each section i have sponge filters running.

Now i use the tank to grow my fry putting them in the next section as they grow. Now my question is what else could i use as a filter i just want the tank a little cleaner and im thinking the sponge filters are just not up to it :dntknw:

I would add a HOB filter or two. The Aquaclear AC500 polishes the water like nothing else. I've tried fry tanks with just sponge filters before too, and they just don't cut the mustard. Even an internal would do a fair bit more for the water. I don't have any substrate in my fry tanks either.

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OHHH ok but would that be needed for all three sections of the tank all will 1 be enough... and what about water circulation?


Have a look at Age of Aquariums AC300 LInk.

I actually prefer the AC300 (Aquaclear 300) Filters but the AC500 is a bigger filter and may be better for your needs.

An AC500 should be able to filter a 6ft fry grow out tank no dramas at all. Personally I would buy two AC300's this way if one fails you have the other as a backup.

Aquaclears should provide plenty of water movement.

PS I would also keep the sponge filtration as well. as the fry will happily pick food off the filters throughout the day and the Aquaclears will do the majority of the work.

If each section is separate go for 3x AC300's or 3x AC200's

(Assuming the sections are linked, ie water can flow through) Your other option could be to get a cannister filter with an inlet at one end and a return at the other end. I would recommend only Eheim filters be used. But this extra water movement may slow the growth of your fry as they will spend a bit of their time swimming against the current.

cya Matthew

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If it were my tank and assuming the fry within were large enough to handle a power filter, I would use a powerhead in one end and pipe water over to the other end to create a slow circulating loop. If the fry were smallish I would bury the powerhead in a large flowerpot full of 3mm gravel so they couldnt get sucked up. The flowerpot becoming a mechanical and biological filter. If stocking rates were high, I would place a driptray full of sponge or gutterguard etc over the tank and pass water through it before letting it drip back into the tank. This will both oxygenate and biologically filter (wet/dry) but the trickle noise will be obvious. One powerhead is cheaper than 3 A/C filters and trickle filtration more effective. A/C filters are good though.

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an AC300 only chews 5w for 1100lph of flow - they are stupid efficent & most powerheads of similar flowrate chew more juice than 3 AC300s put together!

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But an AC300 would only filter a 3 foot tank sufficiently (imo from experience) so a 6 ft tank would use two to three. 3 ACs 300 are around 200-250 depending on where you get them + the cost of additional media.

I use ACs and find them okay. A few things I would consider is the size of the fry you are putting in there, and the probability of fry getting sucked up. AC 300 do suck up a bit of water and I have lost small fry from them being sucked up. If they are small you need to cover the inlet tube to prevent the fry getting sucked in, but this reduces flow rate. If you are not on top on keeping them clean and the power stops for whatever reason when you turn power back on the impellor may need to be flicked to restart, or taking the motor out for a good clean, I know I often don't have time for this.

I like fishdance suggestion, if you rotated your fry from small to medium to larger from the first to the last section, you could put the powerhead in the last section with the largest fry. This way the fry would be big enough not to get sucked up. I have seen the drip trays on top of the tank in action, you'd get a lot more media in them compared to the capacity of 3 AC300s. What you save in the cost of AC you can spend on good quality media and a big powerhead, you could also put a pre filter on the powerhead.

HTH and sorry for playing devils advocate..


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