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My Tanks


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Sorry about the small size - seems to cap the image width at 640px? Anyone know how to get around this?

Six foot


10 Cyprichromis leptosoma jumbo Kitumba

6 Altolamprologus calvus

4 Neolamprologus leleupi

9 Neolamprologus buescheri

5 Callochromis pleurospilus

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Four foot


Trio Altolamprologus calvus

6 Sciaenochromis ahli

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Three foot

3 month old Pelvicachromis pulcher fry

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Two foot


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5 Cardinal Tetra, Paracheirodon axelrodi

5 Pacific Blue-Eye, Pseudomugil signifer

3 Congo Tetra, Phenacogrammus interruptus

1 Red Tail Shark Epalzeorhynchos bicolor

1 Bristlenose Catfish Ancistrus spp.

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Java Moss

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I've only recently setup the 6 footer again and the only action I've had is with the buescheri. However, before I went overseas I had my 6x2x2 (which is still empty for the time being) with calvus, multifasciatus, pleurospilus, lepto's and nigripinnis all breeding pretty regularly. I then changed that whole tank and gave it to a colony of Benthochromis tricoti ;), but they never made magic for me.

In the current tank I think I'm going to run into trouble when the leleupi and calvus get going (they're a bit too young at the moment) so I think I'll have to take at least one of the three lamprologine species out soon.


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