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Which tank?


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Hi guys just need a liitle help, i was wondering which is better :confused:.

Now i have a 3ft tank and and 4ft tank the 3fter is standard and the 4fter is almost a 4x2, now im tossing up wether to put my colony of yellows in the 4fter (last count there was 16) or use the tank to grow up babies.

Both tanks are drilled and will be running threw a sump,

Now what i would really like to know is the tank that size 4fteris it going to make the fry grow quicker or is it just the same in the 3fter, I currently have the yellows in the 3fter and they are fine happily breeding, the only reason im asking is i am making a new stand (metal) for the tanks i have and was wondering which way was best to go :thumbup:

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are they going to share common water? so both tank on the same sump?.. they i would think would be similar rate of growth??

i rather keep the bigger fish in the bigger tank, they will grow better and be more happy i would think

and grow out the fry in the smaller tank.. its also easier to feed the fry. they dont have to swim so hard for food etc.

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