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Just wondering which way u guys sex your fish.

I have a colony and have added what i thought were females but some are looking like males. But i had a look yesterday to find that 3 were holding :clap but they look like males :confused:.

Now ive taken out what looks like young males from the tank to see how they go. Is venting the only way to go :dntknw:

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Hey Gino,

I found this article on Sydney Cichlid Page that may be useful to you if you havent already seen it.

Click Here

I have never kept this species before, but i was always under the impression that only males have a black strike through their eyes. - The article says otherwise though.




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Unfortunately, the only true fail safe way is................................what you've just experienced!!!

I'm pretty sure most of us has experienced a known "sexed" male fish to end up holding a clutch of fry, therefore proving that our methods will never be 100% accurate.

Sexing is a good way and so is going by their physical traits/appearance, but this can be near impossible when tring to sex juvenile fish.

Venting and studying their behaviour together is a good start.

Good luck!!


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