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a wipeout


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my tank just got a taste of "yellow fever"

I have a std 4fter connected to a sump, it was stocked with 10 yellows a pair of midas, a trio of maingano and agoldspot pleco. I was also running one of matts fry savers which had 15 yellow fry, last wednesday all the fry died, I removed them, and did a 25% water change.

since then I have lost all the yellows - bar one, however the rest of the fish are fine!!

any suggestions on causes???


rob :confused:

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Could have had an ammonia/nitrate spike... But because you have done a waterchange since then there is no chance of telling what the parametres were.

Did the fish have any visible symptoms or did you notice anything out of the ordinary with their behaviour?

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hi rob,

I don't have the answer to your question, but I had this problem all the time. Bought some yellow a few times, they all died mysteriously, whilst other fish in the same tank were breeding and doing well.

In the end I just gave up on e yellow, bad fengshui maybe ..lol..lol.

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i spoke to a lfs and the told me few weeks back they got bunch of healthy looking clown loaches but over a weeks they all died but 2! he told me sometimes fish comes with diseases. Apparently lfs gets refund from wholesalers :) pitty we don't :(

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