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ABC News article on N. pulcher


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Hi Guys,

ABC have just published an article on some of the research I did at Lake Tanganyika, thought it might be of interest:


There is also a video I took while on the lake on my website (halfway down):




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Really enjoyed both the video and the article mate, congratulations, any diving footage?

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While on the lake I met Heinz Buescher (after whom N. buescheri is named). He lives there on his little boat six months of the year and films underwater. He was generous enough to give me a dvd of the documentary he has made, which is full of stunning underwater footage. However, I don't think it's responsible to distribute it over the net, because I think he's trying to get it produced. So, in answer to the question, yes I have heaps of underwater footage, but I can't share it!

Perhaps I can email him and we can arrange a showing at the NSWCS meeting...

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While on the lake I met Heinz Buescher (after whom N. buescheri is named). He lives there on his little boat six months of the year and films underwater. He was generous enough to give me a dvd of the documentary he has made, which is full of stunning underwater footage. However, I don't think it's responsible to distribute it over the net, because I think he's trying to get it produced. So, in answer to the question, yes I have heaps of underwater footage, but I can't share it!

Perhaps I can email him and we can arrange a showing at the NSWCS meeting...

great idea :thumbup:

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Excellent article mate. I love watching these guys breeding in aquaria - they truly present community spirit with larger juvies from previous spawns forming part of the family unit and helping defend the territory. It must be magnificent to see in the wild!

I've been lucky enough to visit many spots on Lake Malawi, but still yet to see Tanganyika and its many wonders...

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