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stripped a female


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I just stripped my cobalt female and now she is swimming a bit funny with her tail a bit higher than normal, she is on like a constant 30 degree angle.

Will she come good? or is it I could have introduced some air into her belly?



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I just stripped my cobalt female and now she is swimming a bit funny with her tail a bit higher than normal, she is on like a constant 30 degree angle.

Will she come good? or is it I could have introduced some air into her belly?



Sounds like she has a mouthful of air. Does it look as though she is still holding?

When I put females back after stripping, I hold them in the top of the tank and strip the air they are holding before releasing them.

If it is air, she should come good in a few hours.

Hope she is okay.



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I have noticed the same thing with alot of my females when i strip them generally leave lights off for a few hours and put a little bit of food in and before u know it there back swimming around like normal...

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