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Flamebacks Pics


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my flameback jumped out of the tank tonight, i heard some sounds while i was reading my book and thought nothing of it, then I found him, he was still breathing so threw him back into the tank.

He can still swim a little, but stays in one spot gasping for air, dont know if he will make it he was feeling a little stiff when i picked him up off the floor!!

also last sunday i bought some more differ fish and since then i had 4 tiger barbs and one serpae tetra die!!!!

but all of the other fish are swimming around fine!! no signs of distress at all!!!

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this is a pic of my new flameback male, can anyone ID this?

IPB Image

hes a bit aggressive and starting to bully my cobalts the trio may have to go soon

Sorry to re-hijack the thread. This book is great, just arrived in the mail today.


On pg 109 there is Pundamilia nyererei Python Island dark morph. That's what I reckon the fish pictured is.

andon pg 26 it says that the "Astatotilapia nubilis" available in the trade is actually "at least 3 distinct and yet undescribed species". No wonder Vic fish are in such a state in the hobby.

and the original "Flamebacks" are A. latifasciata... I couldn't remember if that was established in the thread or not. But the male in the original post is a cracking male!!

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Thx Mattrox and the rest,

Feel free to post anything mate, there is no such thing as hijacking in my threads... :8

and thx again for the feedbacks..

I have some fries from the Male and female in the pic if anyone is interested and also a new batch on the way from the same male but different female....

Will let you know when they are ready to go to good houses....



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