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Members Lake Malawi Water Conditions


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GH is a measure of the total Mg and Ca ions.

KH is a measure of the carbonate ions which cause alkalinity.

Cafa - not sure I believe that. I run coral in my filters and in my experience there is no problem. Carbonates are in equilibrium at lower pH Calcium Carbonate dissolves to form more soluable Calcium bicarbonate. The pH then rises.

When I do a water change, the chemistry has to re-equilabrate and I get a milky looking precipitate on the bio-film on the glass. This is the less soluable salts forming. I find that because of the equilibrium, things sort themselves out. I'd be interested to know more about the information you have recieved. Adelaide seems to have perfect water for rift lake fish with minimal stuffing around.

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Hobart water is good for Americans Gh around 30ppm, Kh around 18ppm, and ph of 7.0 a pain in the back side for Rift Cichlids wish I had hard alkaline water it would save a lot of work and testing :unsure

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