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Atloamprologus Calvus White

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Ive had these guys for around 6 months but having some difficulty sexing. They range between 5 and 10cm. The ones all shown here im thinking male and assuming another which spends nearly all the time in the shell in one of the pics female. The larger one is always guarding around the shell but does allow the others near it.

Anyone able to confirm from the pics shown all males? 
Such a comical fish the way they interact with each other.







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awesome fish these. first pic, male is in background, female in foreground. last pic is male.

you may have eggs, they look young so might take a few batches unless you strip shell to get fry. I silicone my shells to a terracotta plant sourcer as the males can get hungry when fry are free swimming and trap the female if unlucky.

enjoy the show, lol.

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Ended up being 4 males and 1 female.

Got a batch of fry this week which i tipped from the females shell into a fry saver and left her with a few to look after.

They dont swim around like other fry and do alot of sitting and skimming on the bottom.

I managed to count roughly 50 in the fry saver and have feeding on hikari first bites but going to hatch some baby brine shrimp and see how that goes. 

Not the greatest of timing as im heading overseas for 3 weeks so my daughter will be in charge of feeding. From everything ive read calvus are difficult to successfully raise from fry. I will be manning my daughter with a large pipette for feeding and cleaning the bottom of the fry saver.


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i put my dry feed into a pepper grinder to make it real small so they can eat it. yeah they more like hop than swim as young fry. microworms and live brine shrimp are great food for young fry, loads of water changes too will help em grow.

hope all goes well when you're away, maybe buy a auto feeder just to be sure they eat.

also i use a air tube to syphon up left over food.

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